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Langtoft Tractor Run 2024: A Resounding Success!

The Langtoft community came together in a spectacular show of support and enthusiasm for the Langtoft Tractor Run 2024, an event that not only celebrated rural heritage but also aimed to raise funds for a vital cause. We are delighted to report that the event was a tremendous success, raising an impressive £1800 for the bell repair at St. Peter’s Church.

Organisers of the event have expressed their heartfelt gratitude to everyone who supported the tractor run.

The funds raised will be used to repair the historic bell at St. Peter’s Church. The bell, which has been silent for some time due to necessary repairs, is a symbol of community and heritage. With the money raised from the tractor run, it is hoped that the bell will soon be ringing out once more, bringing a sense of tradition and continuity to the village.

The event was made possible thanks to the dedication and hard work of the organisers, volunteers, and sponsors. Local businesses also played a crucial role, providing sponsorship and resources to ensure the smooth running of the day. Their contributions were invaluable, and their commitment to the community is deeply appreciated.

Looking ahead, the organisers are already planning for next year’s event, hoping to build on this year’s success and continue supporting local causes. The Langtoft Tractor Run has not only provided much-needed funds for St. Peter’s Church but has also strengthened community bonds and celebrated the rural traditions that make Langtoft village unique.

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