The works, that cost £476,000, have seen the existing changing block refurbished, featuring larger changing rooms, individual shower cubicles, and two separate ensuite officials’ rooms. Additionally, new spectator toilets have been added to enhance the facility for visitors.
The extension to the building has introduced a much-needed social space, which includes a kitchen and bar area. The new social space also provides toilet facilities, ensuring accessibility for all.
Great Driffield AFC were awarded £200,000 from East Riding of Yorkshire Council as part of commuted sums to help with their clubhouse extension.
‘Commuted sums’ are monies paid by housing developers to the Council if they are unable to provide outdoor playing spaces on new housing developments.
The club also received £220,000 from the Football Foundation and raised £56,710 through fundraising and donations which have contributed to the £476,710 total project cost.
Paul Burkinshaw, Great Driffield AFC secretary, said “The project to extend the clubhouse is a significant step in ensuring that the Driffield community has a football club and facilities that it can enjoy and be proud of.
“We are delighted to have received support from East Riding of Yorkshire Council, the Football Foundation and local charities who have helped to create this fantastic facility.”
Councillor Gary McMaster, the council’s cabinet member for planning, housing and infrastructure said “It’s great to see the completion of the works and vital upgrades to the clubhouse at Great Driffield AFC. From helping to refurbish the clubhouse, to adding aids to help others enjoy a sport they love, commuted sums has made a real difference in Driffield.”